80+ “She’s a 10 but” Questions

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The phrase “She’s a 10 but” became a viral trend on social media platforms such as Twitter and TikTok. This trend gained significant popularity as it playfully highlights the notion that not everyone is flawless, despite possessing physical attractiveness. The game revolves around evaluating an individual who is considered physically attractive but has certain flaws, quirks, habits, or a complicated past.

The concept behind “She’s a 10 but” is to engage in a lighthearted scoring system, where participants assign a numerical rating to someone based on their physical appearance and then proceed to mention a characteristic that could potentially be perceived as a drawback or dealbreaker. For instance, an example question could be, “She’s a 10 but she smokes.” In this case, smoking might be viewed as a negative quality by some individuals, influencing their overall assessment of the person’s desirability.

This particular article provides an extensive list of over 70 “She’s a 10 but” questions, showcasing various scenarios and potential traits that could be considered alongside physical attractiveness. The purpose of the article is to offer entertainment and engagement through this playful game, allowing individuals to explore different perspectives on what constitutes a desirable or compatible partner beyond mere physical appearance.

How to play “She’s a 10 but”

To play the game “She’s a 10 but,” follow these steps:

  1. Ask your friend a “She’s a 10 but” question: Begin by selecting a person and coming up with a positive attribute followed by a contrasting negative attribute. For example, you might say, “She’s a 10 but she smokes.”
  2. Your friend rates the person: Your friend then rates the person based on the question you posed. They assign a numerical rating to indicate their overall opinion. Using the previous example, your friend might respond with, “She’s a 5.”
  3. Your friend asks you a “She’s a 10” question: It’s now your friend’s turn to ask you a similar question. They should provide a positive attribute without any contrasting negative attribute. For instance, they might say, “She’s a 10 and she plays guitar.”
  4. Offset low numbers with something positive: If the rating given by your friend is low, such as the previous example where they rated the person as a 5, you are required to offset the negative aspect with something positive. You should come up with a positive attribute to balance out the lower rating. In this case, you could say, “She’s a 6, but she’s good with animals and kids.”

Remember that you can replace the number “10” with any other number, such as “7,” and the game follows the same structure.

She’s a 10 but questions

  • she’s a 10 but she has anger issues
  • she’s a 10 but posts bikini pics on Instagram
  • she’s a 10 but she asks you if you’d still love her if she was a worm
  • she’s a 10 but she hasn’t left her bedroom in three months
  • she’s a 10 but she’s controlling
  • she’s a 10 but she talks to animals like they’re gonna respond
  • she’s a 10 but she expresses her feelings on Twitter
  • she’s a 10 but she never makes plans to hangout
  • she’s a 10 but she disappears from social media from time to time because people drain her energy
  • she’s a 1 but she has grain cart experience and makes good potato salad
  • she’s a 1 but she’s nice to you
  • she’s a 3 but she lives around the corner
  • she’s a 4 but she apologizes for everything she does and doesn’t do
  • she’s a 4 but she knows how to cook
  • she’s a 5 but she loves you a lot
  • she’s a 5 but she checks up on you every day to make sure you’re doing okay
  • she’s a 5 but she goes to the gym
  • she’s a 6 but she got a fat ass
  • she’s a 6 but she met you at a very strange time in your life
  • she’s a 6 but she got a family cabin up at the lake
  • she’s a 6 but she knows the calories of every food
  • she’s a 6 but she has her own company
  • she’s a 6 but she gave you a compliment
  • she’s a 7 but she’s dumb
  • she’s a 7 but she’s taller than you
  • she’s an 8 but she wears makeup
  • she’s an 8 but she might stab you
  • she’s an 8 but she’s a micro-celebrity on twitter
  • she’s an 8 but she says “literally” in every sentence
  • she’s a 9 but she’s a “Disney adult”
  • she’s a 9 but she has plants in her room
  • she’s a 9 but the majority of her friends are dudes
  • she’s a 10 but she needs constant words of affirmation to believe that anyone actually cares about her
  • she’s a 10 but she online shops every time she’s sad
  • she’s a 10 but she hides in the bathroom when she’s overwhelmed
  • she’s a 10 but her body count is double digits
  • she’s a 10 but has a deep voice
  • she’s a 10 but she ghosts you every 2-3 business days
  • she’s a 10 but she’s actually in love with the version of you that she made up in her head
  • she’s a 10 but has low iron deficiency
  • she’s a 10 but she rewatches the same show over & over again just to feel something
  • she’s a 10 but her parents are very strict
  • she’s a 10 but you have to talk to her 24/7 to keep her interested
  • she’s a 10 but she’s terrible at replying back to her messages
  • she’s a 10 but she claps when the plane lands
  • she’s a 10 but she never says how she feels
  • she’s a 10 but says “huh” a lot
  • she’s a 10 but she says “im fine” when she’s sad
  • she’s a 10 but she takes out her whole closet when she gets ready
  • she’s a 10 but she talks to a lot of guys
  • she’s a 10 but she’s confusing
  • she’s a 10 but she’s extremely possessive and will go crazy if u look at someone else
  • she’s a 10 but she gets overstimulated at the supermarket
  • she’s a 10 but she’s obsessed with astrology
  • she’s a 10 but she loves being alone, takes too long to open up, has daddy issues, and uses music as therapy
  • she’s a 10 but she drinks a lot
  • she’s a 10 but she loves being alone but hates feeling alone
  • she’s a 10 but she has OF
  • she’s a 10 but cries at every father/daughter scene in movies/shows because she has daddy issues
  • she’s a 10 but she disappears when she’s not ok
  • she’s a 10 but her entire life revolves around her eating disorder
  • she’s a 10 but she romanticizes every single thing in her life
  • she’s a 10 but cries when she gets overwhelmed
  • she’s a 10 but she can’t decide on a book to read even though she has 100+ books
  • she’s a 10 but ignores every boy who tries to talk to her
  • she’s a 10 but she’s on her phone 24/7
  • she’s a 10 but needs a nap every day
  • she’s a 10 but she has anxiety and overthinks about everything
  • she’s a 10 but she wants you to feed her other 3 kids
  • she’s a 10 but she talks too much
  • she’s a 10 but she’s taller than you
  • she’s a 10 but she doesn’t talk when she’s upset
  • she’s a 10 but has anger issues
  • she’s a 10 but she has her bed on the floor
  • she’s a 10 but she loves arguing 24/7
  • she’s a 10 but she’s vegan
  • she’s a 10 but she’s obsessed with a fictional character
  • she’s a 10 but needs reassurance 24/7
  • she’s a 10 but randomly switches between obsession and complete disinterest
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